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Old Bedford Cemetery
Beal's Road Cemetery
Joppa Hill Cemetery
Bedford Center Cemetery
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Listing of All Grave Sites By Decedent
Listing of Grave Sites by Cemetery Site Reference
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The records of the Bedford Cemeteries may be searched by a number of different parameters.
Alphabetical List of Decedents
Search By Last Name of Decedent
(enter first letter, or group of letters or complete name)
List of Decedents with first letter of last name begining with
and ending with
(enter first letter of the starting Last Name in the first box and the first letter of the ending Last Name in the second box. They must be in alphbetical order. For example B and D and not D and B.)
Search By Last Name of Decedent
(enter letter, or group of letters or full name-leave blank for all)
with year of death between
(for single year enter same year)
Search By Maiden Name
(enter letter, or group of letters or full name)
(leave dates empty to just search by Maiden Name)
Search By Father's Name
(enter letter, or group of letters or full name)
and year of death between
(leave dates empty to just search by Father's Name)
Search By Mother's Name
(use only if mother's last name is different from father's. enterletter, or group of letters or full name - very limited records )
Search By Mother's Maiden Name
(enter letter, or group of letters or full name -very limited records )