frequently asked questions
Click on question to view answer.
what is the cost of a gravesite ?
The cost of a gravesite is $ 750.00 per location. Sites are available with 1, 2, and 4 locations, plus an urn for each location. A single location site costs $ 750.00, a double location site, $ 1500.00 and a four place location site, $ 3000.00.
is there an additonal cost for perpetual maintenance?
Perpetual care is included and is performed by the Town of Bedford, NH.
are there sites available in the older cemeteries ?
At this time the only sites offered for sale are in the Hilltop Section of the Bedford Center Cemetery. Click on " Available Lots" to view the lots that are available for purchase.
how do i purchase a site ?
Gravesites may be viewed on line and purchased contacting a Trustee of the Bedford Cemeteries. See "Contact"; or"Available Lots" for more information.
what is the cost of a burial?
All burials are done by Dignified Cemetery and Vault Services - 603-738-3086. On Mondays through Fridays, it is $600 for a full burial and $200 for a cremation burial. On Saturday, Sunday and Holidays, it is $700 for a full burial and $250 for a cremation burial.